The Spiritual GPS Podcast

Energy Update March 2022

Episode 36

March 2022 energy update

First theme - Its important to have context during times of great changes 

Change can be wonderful if its thought and felt about in the context of what the change represents and what its end goal is. 

We often forget that change is important for growth. 

If we choose to stay the same then life will stay the same.As the universe is constantly expanding and the seasons changing we too are growing and must change.

It's really about the context. When you can see life from the point of view that change always has a higher purpose behind it than it can be exciting to see what this change might bring. 

There is a great shift of energies happening on the planet right now that is bringing about a great shift in consciousness and that brings a lot of change with it. 

2nd theme - The only thing consistent in life is change

Even consistency has change within in it. 

The seasons change, the sun and moon rise and set just a little different every day. But they are constant with that. Sometimes the clouds cover the sun and moon but we still know that they are showing up.

The seasons changing just a little bit each day, never exactly the same every year but you know they are coming. Not exactly if this summer will be hotter than the last or if we will get more snow this ear than last but you know the season will come and they will change every ear around the same time.

This message is about the past shaping how you are today, and how you take the now that the past shaped, into the future. 

Energy is constant in its consistency it is always changing. 

You are being called to honor the change, move with it, flow with the energy of it and remember just like the spring rain fertilizing the hard winters ground, that bring the flowers in the summer you too must remember that consistency is knowing, that even when it feels like your life feels like the hard ground, the fertilizing rains are coming and this will bring to life what you have nurtured. 

3rd theme - It is time to stop the separation game.

We have been living way too long in societies, countries, cities, homes etc… with those who would benefit from creating separation. 

It is time now to recognize that we are better together than apart despite our differences. 

It is time to push away the voices creating hate, operation, discord and continuing this cycle of victimhood. 

We are seeing this play out on the word stage and in our own homes.

There is a knowing that it is time to find a better way, do better, have better and be better.

Like all transformation it can be painful and magnificent at the same time. 

We are waking up as a human species from the unconscious place we have been living in for 12,000 years. 


*Venus, Mars and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn

Personal values and needs being challenged through wounds both personal and collective in all institutions, foundations and organizations.

*Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius squared with Uranus in Taurus

A tightening and uncomfortableness around what our needs are and how to change them through connection and personal communication with each other. With the idea of creating new structures that are free of the old chains we carry from the past that aren’t working for the individual and the human community, specifically around values, needs and money.

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