The Spiritual GPS Podcast
My name is Dana and I am an Intuitive, Hypnotists, Soul Integration Facilitator, Energy Healer, Astrologer and Life Coach. I have created this channel to provide a platform to support and inspire healing, insights and transformation for all those looking for some guidance in their lives. Some things you can expect on this channel are candid, inspiring and fun conversations about spirituality, astrology, metaphysics, energy, healing and all topics related to spirituality and transformation of the mind, body and soul. I will be sharing ideas and teaching concepts to assist you with navigating your way through all areas of spirituality and then how to apply them to the everyday practical world you live in. To find out more about me and/or book a session with me go to or you can email me at
The Spiritual GPS Podcast
December 2021 Energy Update
Theme of this month is to use your discernment with all things coming to
Major themes focused on are-Life, Love and happiness
Life: Major players in this month are Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, Mars in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus. I will also add that Neptune in retrograde in Pisces is also important to be aware of but this energy is slow and will be lasting for quiet some time, to me feeling like an important but not loud background theme, so I will touch on that as well.
Venus energy will be affecting us with enlightening, exploring and transcending energy
Enlightening energy (started 11/24 -12/6) will be giving us the gift of awareness, revelations, and possibilities mostly of the wounds that need to be recognized and healed.Pluto rules this energy of Enlightenment. Although this energy can be painful it is working through this pain you will find the ultimate growth and abundance.
Exploring energy (12/7-12/19) Once the discovery of the dysfunction and possibilities through the enlightening period, again that was started in November on the 24th and will be happening until December 6th Because Mars rules this energy there will be forward movement to make changes and break free from these previously revealed dysfunctions and wounds.
Transcending energy (12/20-1/1) this energy is also ruled by the planet Mars so you will feel the urge to make changes from the awareness of the wounds and dysfunctions previously revealed that no longer serve you and take the next steps beyond what you may have done in the past to heal and transform them. This could be both on a personal level and a global one.
During this month and the months beyond we will start to see that we will find happiness in walking through the pain of the past and transforming it.
Not forgetting it or changing what happened but deciding that it no longer serves us to keep repeating the story and living form a place of victimhood of the past but by acknowledging it, healing from it and creating new and better systems and relationships that fit within the new way we choose to be.
We can no longer judge people from what happened in the past from ancestors they didn’t even know but to create new connections and relationships from a place of non-judgement, no-separateness and allowing each person to participate as they truly are and what they can contribute to the collective as a whole.
This will also be true within your personal relationships.
You will find freedom and happiness in pulling yourself out of victimhood of the past and finding new ways of healing, transforming and getting your needs met.
If you are interested in having a session with me to help you work on stuff coming up for you, you can connect with me at or check out my website at
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